Aug 05, 2017

We would like to shed some light on how SME business owners can optimize their practices to create more income and to discover and minimizing the ways they are unintentionally throwing portions of their money away. We highlight a list of 5 mistakes which a business owner makes.
- Diversification
As a business owner, you will always look at new strategies and methods that could be put in place so that the consumers are attracted to come by and look around or you will look to hire more or into new products. When you earn a certain profit, you always invest into external factors. Business owners need to invest that kind of money into their businesses and themselves in order to keep the capital flowing.
- Not investing in the right people
When there is a need of adding members to your business, you will always look at a cheaper solution. But business owners need to add more value and talent than just a name to the organization. In this case, there is a need to invest in the best. The money will flow out but the best men at the job will make sure that double the money would flow inside the business making it a sustainable way of working.
- Loans and debts can be good
Whenever a business generates some profits; depending on the cash flow; the owner wants to clear the huge chunk of debts/ loans that he has taken. A better option would be when the business is on a working capital loan or at small business loans, collateral-free loans or quick business loans too wherein the loan could be divided into paying back over different months in order for a proper cash flow system to be in place. This method would be more effective than paying it back all at once which is considered a traditional way of paying back.
- Thinking of wanting more
The very ability of wanting more is a very famous trait of a businessman. When we look at it, it sounds great. In this era of time and space, business owners look at growth as competition more than that special USP which separates them from the rest of the crowd. When a retailer extends his shop by buying the property next to his old one or gets into equipment financing, you might get unhappy and want the same for your business. You too will want some sort of equipment financing.But the question to ask would be if that space is actually required or would the same bring in a pool full of new customers or would a working capital loan really help!
The real vision has to be set and followed in order for growth in the right direction.
- Fear of delegating
As a business owner there are things you do better than anyone you know, and so you continue to do them yourselves and procrastinate the hiring of others to handle those tasks, or you avoid paying for quality, saying “If you want it done right, do it yourself.” This is flawed thinking that doesn’t allow your business (or even your own capabilities) to grow.
So these are the five main ways, in which you can avoid making simple mistakes and watch your business grow!