
Home > Retail Business Loan

Retail Business Loan

Different Productive Ways of Using a Retail Business Loan

A retail business loan can prove to be highly advantageous for store and shop owners looking to improve their business operations or the ones with plans of business expansion. Nevertheless, the borrowers of such loans need to review their business plans to ensure that they are making use of their finances in ways that can help them in reaching their company objectives. There are several ways in which a business loan for a retail shop can be put to effective use. There are limitless possibilities that come along with a small business loan for retailers. Have a look at them below:

Buying New Inventory

Running a successful and reputable retail business is not an easy thing to do. The businessmen in this field will require the right inventory with the exclusive appeal for customers. By going for an online loan for retail traders in India, businesses in this field can buy new inventory so that they can offer much more to their customers. The retail businesses that keep running out of different varieties of inventory can use retail business financial solutions for stocking up brand new and exclusive inventory. Without quality and consistent inventory, a retail business can suffer. Therefore, it is always considered a good deal to go for loans that can help retail businesses thrive.

Basic Eligibility Criteria

Minimum Business Vintage 1 year
Monthly Business Sales Minimum 2,00,000

Opening Business at a Completely New Location

Booming retail businesses might find it very difficult to serve their growing number of customers. Considering the huge popularity and growth that these businesses experience, it would be feasible for them to work on plans of expansion. This involves opening a brand new store at a new location. This can come as a great business opportunity allowing them to serve an increased number of customers and especially the ones that do not visit the current location of the business. But the problem with business expansion is that it can be very expensive. The retail businessmen will have to put in a good amount of money in hiring staff members; in getting a new property for the store and in purchasing new inventory. Nevertheless, all these financial problems can easily be done away with by going for a business loan for a retail store in India.

FlexiLoans holds a special name in the provision of these loans that serve to be highly advantageous for the retail store owners. The money availed through such loans can also be used for procuring advanced technology; updating the interiors of a store; investing in marketing and improving the flow of cash.

Documents Required for Retail Business Loan

Personal KYC PAN card
Residential Address Proof (Any One) Rent Agreement | Driving License | Voter's ID | Ration Card | Passport | Aadhar Card
Banking Last 6 months current account bank statements
Business KYC (Any One) GST Registration Certificate | Shops & Establishment Certificate | Business PAN Card

Frequently asked questions

What are the purposes for which I can get a loan via FlexiLoans?

FlexiLoans is here to provide you financial access for your business funding needs. You have to undergo simple and transparent Credit Evaluation, basic documentation before we disburse the loan. You may get loans via FlexiLoans for:
  • Expanding your business
  • Servicing regular working capital needs
  • Managing seasonal working capital requirements
  • Manage short term cash flow gaps

Why should I avail loan via FlexiLoans?

Quick credit assessment ensures fast disbursal of loan at best rates and flexible terms, thus providing financial access at a click! Our business is to help you grow your business.

What documents are required to apply for a loan?

KYC document

  • - Pan card

Proof of residential address (any one)

  • - Rent Agreement
  • - Driving License
  • - Voter's ID
  • - Ration Card
  • - Passport


  • - Last 6 months of bank statement of current account

Business KYC (any one)

  • - GST Registration Certificate
  • - Shop Establishment Certificate

Financial documents (For loans greater than 20 Lakhs)

  • - 2 years Audited financials
  • - Last 2yrs ITR
  • - GST Returns of 6 months

Are there any charges other than interest rate that I have to pay to avail the loan?

We may charge processing fee to facilitate the loan towards legal and documentation charges. You may be charged penal charges for late or irregular payment behavior.

Can I apply for an MSME loan for a supermarket?

Yes, you can apply.

What is the minimum turnover requirement to get a business loan for Retailers?

Monthly total sales of at least ₹2,00,000 is required to get a business loan.
What are the purposes for which I can get a loan via FlexiLoans?

What are the purposes for which I can get a loan via FlexiLoans?

FlexiLoans is here to provide you financial access for your business funding needs. You have to undergo simple and transparent Credit Evaluation, basic documentation before we disburse the loan. You may get loans via FlexiLoans for:
  • Expanding your business
  • Servicing regular working capital needs
  • Managing seasonal working capital requirements
  • Manage short term cash flow gaps
Why should I avail loan via FlexiLoans?

Why should I avail loan via FlexiLoans?

Quick credit assessment ensures fast disbursal of loan at best rates and flexible terms, thus providing financial access at a click! Our business is to help you grow your business.
What documents are required to apply for a loan?

What documents are required to apply for a loan?

KYC document

  • - Pan card

Proof of residential address (any one)

  • - Rent Agreement
  • - Driving License
  • - Voter's ID
  • - Ration Card
  • - Passport


  • - Last 6 months of bank statement of current account

Business KYC (any one)

  • - GST Registration Certificate
  • - Shop Establishment Certificate

Financial documents (For loans greater than 20 Lakhs)

  • - 2 years Audited financials
  • - Last 2yrs ITR
  • - GST Returns of 6 months
Are there any charges other than interest rate that I have to pay to avail the loan?

Are there any charges other than interest rate that I have to pay to avail the loan?

We may charge processing fee to facilitate the loan towards legal and documentation charges. You may be charged penal charges for late or irregular payment behavior.
Can I apply for an MSME loan for a supermarket?

Can I apply for an MSME loan for a supermarket?

Yes, you can apply.
What is the minimum turnover requirement to get a business loan for Retailers?

What is the minimum turnover requirement to get a business loan for Retailers?

Monthly total sales of at least ₹2,00,000 is required to get a business loan.

Quick credit assessment ensures fast disbursal of loan at best rates and flexible terms, thus providing financial access at a click! Our business is to help you grow your business.

KYC document

  • - Pan card

Proof of residential address (any one)

  • - Rent Agreement
  • - Driving License
  • - Voter's ID
  • - Ration Card
  • - Passport


  • - Last 6 months of bank statement of current account

Business KYC (any one)

  • - GST Registration Certificate
  • - Shop Establishment Certificate

Financial documents (For loans greater than 20 Lakhs)

  • - 2 years Audited financials
  • - Last 2yrs ITR
  • - GST Returns of 6 months

We may charge processing fee to facilitate the loan towards legal and documentation charges. You may be charged penal charges for late or irregular payment behavior.

Monthly total sales of at least ₹2,00,000 is required to get a business loan.